For years, my stepdaughter had been after me to go to Elise for my back. She said Elise was the best yoga teacher for maintaining and strengthening your back. And she lived right here in Palo Alto. Even my Spine Surgeon said ‘Yoga” for long term maintenance of the back. Finally in 2010 after recovering from a fall in my kitchen in which I yanked it pretty badly, I decided to go… to try to gain control. It has worked! I do the stretches prescribed by Elise for my particular scoliosis everyday. Within 2 months I was pain free. It is now one and a half years later and my back is stronger, more flexible and pain free. I still try not to sit too much, and I keep active by walking, swimming, biking and stretching. Elise’s coaching and tailoring of the exercise routine to my back curvature deserves the credit. Thank you Elise!
I was looking for an alternative approach to surgery that had been recommended by two out of three top orthopedic surgeons in NYC for my daughter. I found an amazing yoga instructor who met with her once a week for about an hour to an hour and a half. My daughter was very good about doing the routine that they worked out about four to five times a week. She was just x-rayed last week and now she would not be considered a candidate for surgery. I would like to thank you for your encouragement to pursue this avenue of treatment!

I have scoliosis and, after reading your article last May, decided I would try yoga. I cannot even explain how it has helped me. I, along with my family, see a miraculous difference. My rib cage is not so protruding as it was and my posture has so improved. I am so happy with Yoga, and practice at home and also at a studio. It has changed my life physically and spiritually. I refer to my Mat as my magic carpet. It has become to me now a way of life.
For most of my life, I believed that yoga was not for me because I have scoliosis. Each time I attended a class in which students were instructed to move one vertebra at a time or to align the spine, I felt excluded and somehow defective. I have an S-curve 0f 35 degrees at the top and bottom of my spine. Thank you for opening new doors of possibility for me.
I purchased your video and booklet for my mother as a Christmas present and she absolutely loves it! She has a pretty severe scoliosis, which has never been treated, and regular use of your products has brought her a depth of pain relief that nothing in the past has given her. I was wondering if you have any other yoga videos available or in the works? She uses the scoliosis video nearly every day and I’ve loaned her yoga videos from other instructors, but she really likes your instruction best. She trusts you and feels like your program is safe for her.
I’m writing just to tell you my daughter follow Yoga for Scoliosis program under supervision of an orthopedist and kinesiology. She does Iyengar modify asanas similar to your video. After 6 months of regular practice, her curvature decreased from 41 degree to 30 degree. I remind you we live in Chile, very far away from your classes. Thanks for your advice and mail.
The Yoga for Scoliosis workshops I and II were fantastic! I learned so much about my own body and how to take care of it, and having you as a model of living a healthy, active life was inspiring. You made the group such a welcoming and empowering place. Thank you!
Elise! I’ve had your DVD for, well, about a year. After an over due back check with my doctor – where I was told my scoliosis had gotten worse, even after 15 years of practicing yoga – I got quite disheartened. That’s when I decided I needed to do more, so I watched scene 1 of your DVD. I completed scene 1 and I can honestly say, I have never felt so good after a 20 minute session ever, period! There were stages when my back felt the most normal it has in a decade! The small adjustments you mention, the movements for the different curvatures you describe and the gentle reminders to take the awareness to the breath, well … I wanted to say THANK YOU! I wish I had discovered you 15 years ago. It’s fair to say, at times in your life, you think you’ve been doing the right thing until something better comes along.