Donatella Santoro

Donatella Santoro Donatella Santoro is a physician, a Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT), and Certified Yoga for Scoliosis Instructor in Chicago (USA), and Naples (Italy). Originally from Italy, Donatella is a former athlete with a professional background in medicine. After...

Erin Scherger

Erin Scherger From her teenage years, Erin Scherger has enjoyed helping others experience those amazing “a-ha” moments as they discover something new about the world or within themselves. In 2005, she discovered yoga while looking for an activity to lighten her spirit...

Janet Moon O’Brien **

Janet Moon O’Brien The Yoga Way Janet Moon O’Brien has practiced yoga since 1998.  She was drawn to yoga to calm her anxiety.  With a 5-year-old, 3-year old and toddler twins, she needed to find some peace.  Coincidentally, for the first time in her life, her...

Graham Williams **

Graham Williams ** Empowering others with scoliosis to enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of yoga is Graham Williams‚ life passion. Diagnosed with scoliosis at age eleven, she wore a back brace for seven years. After graduating from the University of Georgia in...

Jennifer Meehan **

Jennifer Meehan Like many people, Jen Meehan came to yoga seeking relief from years of chronic back pain. After being diagnosed with scoliosis in her mid-forties, she researched non-surgical remedies for her spinal condition and discovered the Iyengar style of yoga....